A Spectacular Welcome to You All!
Hello Everybody!
This is the first post of my blog ever, and I am going to hopefully make it short and sweet. With this post, I hope to explain why I feel it is important for me to have a blog, what you can gather from it, and why you should read it.
Blogs seem to be a remnant from the 2010s with the boom of the internet and subsequent venting by soccer moms about their latest recipes or family drama, maybe with a short lesson tied in to give the content at least a little importance. Now the world has moved onto podcasts, where we no longer get to read a few short paragraphs written by someone who likely has no authority to speak on the area that they are talking about, but instead get the blessing of listening to them for a few hours. I suppose listening, rather than reading is an improvement, but still, no one wants to listen to your 3-hour podcast about why your Dungeons and Dragons campaign is important to the future of humanity.
All that being said, I am joining the dark side (about 10 years too late) and starting a blog for myself. And I think it is important to clarify that this is for me. You can read it if you so desire, but it will not offend me if you do not.
And that brings me to the part of this post you all are here for. The Why. The main reason why I have decided to start this is because having a constant place where I can write, not only refines my writing ability and vocabulary but also helps with speaking, idea creation, and many other things that I feel are important to a healthy lifestyle.
Now why should you read it you may ask. Well, I firstly am going to put out the highest quality content that I can and promise that if for some reason you don’t take away something new or interesting from what you read, you will be entertained. And secondly, this is going to be the first place where you will be able to hear about any new content I am working on, any opportunities that you could get involved in, and any important life updates that are important to you.
So I hope that you’ll all read this blog thread (is that what it’s called?) in the future if you so desire and I will publish again soon!
Caleb Freund